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Performance Tool 1/4" HD Die Grinder

Performance Tool

UPC: 00039564505669
  • $25.29
    Unit price per 

Unit/Package Price may vary, and Quantity Discounts will not be shown here. Please call to confirm package quantity and price.

Compact design allows for easy use in tight spaces
Includes both 1/4 and 1/8" collets for use with the most popular accessory shafts sizes
Built-in air regulator for precise speed control
Variable speed safety throttle
Lightweight and durable aluminum housing
Rear exhaust directs air away from work area
5 of the most popular grinding stones included so your tool comes ready to use
Specifications: Collet sizes: 1/8 & 1/4", Average CFM: 4, Free Speed: 22,000 RPM, Air inlet: 1/4" NPT, Air pressure: 90 PSI, Hose size: 3/8", Length: 6.8", Weight: 1.3 lbs

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