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DAPtex Plus 12 Oz. Multi-Purpose Foam Sealant


UPC: 00070798188365
  • $4.85
    Unit price per 

Unit/Package Price may vary, and Quantity Discounts will not be shown here. Please call to confirm package quantity and price.

New latex formula offers improved water resistance, toughness, and hardness over other latex foams. Daptex Plus effectively seals large cracks, gaps, and voids and is ideal for sealing the rough openings around windows and doors, meeting American Architectural Manufacturer's Association (AAMA) standard 101 for windows and doors. Daptex plus also meets ASTM testing standards E-283, E-547, and E-331 for air infiltration and water resistance. Daptex Plus can be used inside or outside, includes a reusable nozzle, is toolable, paintable, and fresh, uncured foam cleans up with soap and water. Tack free in 10 minutes and a 1' bead is fully cured within 24 hours. 12 oz. can.

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